This beautiful momma kitty is home now. Her name is Srocky.   A normal seeming pregnancy turned rapidly into a life or death emergency. Our vet told us her uterus was prolapsed and she was close to septic. She got into the vet just in time on an emergency spaying. A hard labor with a prolapsed uterus. And dead babies. 

  Srocky herself was very close to not making it.

Her first litter pictured below was healthy and beautiful.  Last year however, she had a failed litter. It was her 2nd litter that year.  2025 here comes litter 3. We were told a baby was stuck but it was actually her uterus that had collapsed and was outside her body.  She had to be rushed to the vet.

We are always so very grateful for Coffey County Veterinary Services who were able to take her in as the emergency situation she was! They are such great Vets. 

 If you suspect a cat is in labor and is having problems with delivery please take the cat as quickly as possible to a veterinarian. This can be an absolute life or death emergency. 

Please Spay your female cats. You can avoid all this Sorrow, Emergency. Worry, stress. And Momma cat will be healthier too. And if you have a momma cat who has had a failed litter. Please Get that spaying done before she gets pregnant again.  Chances increase for her to have problems. We can help.


Learn about the impact Osage Friends for Felines, TNR, Inc. Has made to improve the lives of community cats. Each cat has his or her unique story.  These are just a few of the many we have touched along the way. 

Sam had a Upper Respiratory Infection.  Not only did he get fixed and vaccinated, he also was able to be treated for his URI. 

This is Tuffy.  He was a community cat who was terribly injured. He was placed into our medical program.  He suffered from an old injury. Tuffy's leg was so infected, that the tissue had died.  After his leg was amputated He became a social gentleman. 

Spay/Neuter Assistance

In our first two years, we have spayed or neutered 462 cats, helping to control the population of community cats and prevent future litters. This crucial service not only improves the health and well-being of the cats but also contributes to reducing the number of homeless animals.

Medical Care Support

In addition to spaying and neutering, we have assisted 125 cats in receiving medical care, finding licensed foster organizations, or being adopted into loving homes. By providing essential medical support, we ensure that every cat we encounter has the opportunity for a happy and healthy life.

Foster and Adoption coordination services

Through our foster and adoption coordination services, we have helped numerous cats transition from the streets to loving homes. By matching cats with several partner organizations in NE Kansas,  providing ongoing support, we create lasting bonds that benefit both the cats and their new owners. Together, we have already made a significant impact in the lives of community cats.

Kitten and cats just like Stormy below, we rescued this injured girl from a local park in a storm. We got her to a vet and then our partners Street Cats Club out of Emporia, SCC took over her vet care and fostering.   She is now ready for adoption from these great partners. 

We are a registered Non-profit organization 501 (3) c 

EIN 92-1812662